          飛越領空及其代價 st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";} 【Comment】 這篇報導,要看英文才懂在講什麼,中文又短又簡略。 原來,「中轉」是「過境」(transit)、是飛越(flying over)俄羅斯領土到阿富汗,而飛機,是軍用飛機,運輸的物資限於非致命性武器的物資( 室內設計non-lethal supplies)。而且,俄國的管轄權是全天候的。這樣看來,可以適用的是可能:美國本土到美軍基地「中轉」,再飛越俄羅斯領空進入阿富汗,或反過來先經過俄羅斯領空到吉爾吉斯基地再到阿富汗等的狀況…。這樣就不必受限 裝潢於「美軍中央司令部」(US CENTCOM)的防區(AOR)必須,今後,甚至可以直接從「美軍歐洲司令部」(US EUCOM)而來,不必非看南方航路巴基斯坦與伊朗的頭面。 因為早有德國(素來是西方對俄國較有影響力的國家)、法國與北約有此協議,美國簽協議, 濾桶大概只剩下象徵性意義。加上,北約駐軍阿富汗,是聯合國授權光明正大的行動,較有趣的是大哥們終於出面握手。 俄可在軍事中轉協議框架內檢查任何一個美國航班 ■俄新網(2009.07.08) 莫斯科7月7日電 俄羅斯外交部長謝爾蓋·拉夫羅夫今天在接受《消息》電視台採訪時 關鍵字廣告表示,美國計劃在俄美關於阿富汗軍事中轉協議框架內每年飛4000個航班,俄羅斯有權要求任何一架飛機降落,對其進行檢查。 昨天,俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑夫同美國總統奧巴馬在會晤結束後共同簽署了俄美關于阿富汗軍事中轉協議。 宜蘭民宿html Afghan transit deal gives Russia right to inspect U.S. flights ■俄新網(2009.07.08) MOSCOW, June 7 (RIA Novosti) - Moscow will have the right to inspect U.S. military planes flying over its territory under a deal with Washington on transit to Afghanistan, the Russian foreign minister said 禮服on Tuesday. Russia and the United States signed on Monday an agreement on military transit, both overland and by air, via Russian territory to Afghanistan . The deal was signed at Kremlin talks during President Barack Obama's first visit to Russia and was praised by the U.S. leader as a sign of Moscow's 商務中心willingness to help in the war against the radical Islamic Taliban movement. In an interview with Vesti TV, Sergei Lavrov said the U.S. planned to make 4,500 flights to Afghanistan via Russian airspace. "Russian jurisdiction will be applied at all times, whenever we so demand. We have the right to ground any flight to inspect the cargo to 房地產 see what is actually on board," he said. He added that the procedure was well defined, that "this highly transparent and effective mechanism was accepted by the American side, and I hope it will work smoothly." Russia already has bilateral transit deals with Germany , France and Spain , and also signed an agreement with NATO in 2008 on the rail transit of 西服 non-lethal supplies to Afghanistan . The U.S.-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has about 62,000 troops in Afghanistan under a UN mandate to give security support to the Afghan government and stop the flow of drugs from the country. President Obama recently pledged to increase U.S. troop numbers in the war-ravaged country. 開幕活動.html  .

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